How to Add a WordPress Ping List to Your Website

A WordPress ping list notifies search engines about updates on your website, helping to increase traffic by getting your content indexed more quickly. By default, WordPress uses the Ping-o-Matic service, but you can extend your ping list to notify multiple search engines and newsfeeds.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to add a WordPress ping list to your WordPress Website!

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How to Add a WordPress Ping List to Your Website in 4 Easy Steps!

Self-hosted WordPress dashboard in the writing settings tag, showing how to add a ping list to WordPress site under the "Update Services" section.
  1. Create a list of ping services: Gather a list of ping services that you want to notify. You can use the WordPress ping lists provided in the references, such as the one on, or compile your own list.
  2. Update your WordPress settings: In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to “Settings” and then click on “Writing.” Scroll down to the “Update Services” section.
  3. Add ping services: In the “Update Services” section, you’ll see a text box labeled “Update Services.” Paste your list of ping services into this text box, separating each service with a line break. Be sure to include the full list of ping services from your chosen source.
  4. Save your changes: Click the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the page to apply your new ping list settings.

Remember that while a ping list can help your content get indexed more quickly, it should not be relied upon as the sole factor for improving your website’s search engine rankings. Focus on creating high-quality, original content and optimizing your site for search engines using other techniques, such as using SEO plugins and building quality backlinks.



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